Social initiatives and inclusion can have a hugely positive effect on people’s lives, as well as being empowering for local communities.  There are lots of different options and opportunities available in our local area.

Your community pk website

An online portal: has been developed by the Perth & Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) to so you can see what's happening in your community - it’s all the info in one place

You can search the site by different categories (such as ‘care and support’ and ‘things to do’) and by area so it makes it easy to see what is available close to your home.

Social Prescribing in Perth & Kinross

Social Prescribing can improve your health and wellbeing by helping you to access clubs, organisations and activities in your community.

Social Prescribers can help you to:
• Access local community support
• Improve your quality of life
• Expand your skills and abilities
• Increase your social contact
• Improve mental wellbeing

There are five Social Prescribers in Perth and Kinross:

North Perthshire

Kim MacBain: 079097138975

Jeni Guthrie: 07917599524

Perth City

Wendy Donald: 07881914040

South Perthshire

Marisa Carradice: 01764 657 823

Declan Jones: 07557488902

Keep safe.png

There are many different ways in which you can receive support both in your home and the community. Below are details of two schemes running in Perth and Kinross.

telecare service

Telecare, also known as community alarms, provides peace of mind for individuals and their families through a 24-hour response service. All users of the Telecare Service are provided with a pendant which should be worn on the person at all times. This can be used to contact help from anywhere in the persons home or the garden via a base unit.

There is a small weekly charge for the Telecare Service. All charges are subject to a financial assessment so depending on your individual circumstances you may not need to pay the full amount.

The Telecare Service in Perth  and Kinross has a ‘smart flat’ which you can visit to try out various pieces of telecare equipment that can support people to live at home safely and independently.

For further information on Telecare provision in Perth and Kinross, you can contact the Early Intervention and Prevention service by phone 0345 30 111 20 or email

You can also read more about Telecare provision in the Telecare Service Leaflet.

The keepsafe scheme

The Keep Safe Scheme has been set up to help disabled individuals that may feel unsafe or have difficulty going out on their own.

How it works:

  • Anyone who lives in Perth & Kinross and has a disability or may need help can have a Keep Safe card

  • The card has their own personal details on it which they complete on the application form.

  • People will carry the card with them and if they need help for any reason such as they have had a fall, they need to sit down for 5 minutes, they feel unsafe or they would like someone to call a contact for them, then they would go into a participating venue who would be able to help them.

There are many participating businesses in Perth and they display a Keep Safe sticker to make people aware that they are part of the scheme.

For more information or to apply either if you are a business or an individual wanting to take part in the scheme, please contact the Centre for Inclusive Living Perth and Kinross on or phone 01738 587282. You can also view their video clip which explains the scheme.